Saturday, November 29, 2008

Having fun

Today I am in a joking mood and I see fun everywhere.

I am twisting in my high chair and suddenly I sit with my foot on the table. "OOh!"my mama says "Do I see a little foot on the table?!". Her voice is stern, but her eyes twinkle. Actually, her voice is played stern. She tickles my foot and says again: do I see a little foot on the table? I laugh and I repeat with my own stern voice "wwwowowwo wwow wo". I cannot talk, as you know, but I can imitate mama's voice. Mama laughs and tickles my foot again "Do I see a little foot on the table?"and I repeat "wwowowowo wwwow wo". We both have fun!

We have found new favourite food: Risotto with onions. I think I must like cooked onions. The other day my mama let me have a little bit to try in the kitchen, and I asked for more and more. The spring beans, you can keep, but I liked the onions. And now I like the risotto with onions too. I did not touch the broccholi. Bah.

After dinner, with our bellies all fat, we sit and I 'cook' the star.