Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My words

My words:

I understand mama really well, when she speaks. And these are the words that I use, apart from hand signs, pointing and crying - to say no.

  • gna gne - handje, meaning give me hand to help me walk.
  • lalle -the dutch 'gevallen' means fallen. Can also mean thrown. The end result is that it is on the floor. It actually means that mama should pick it up.
  • opppp - the dutch 'op' means finished: I don't want any more of this food. (but I may change my mind in a minute).
  • ogel - the duch 'vogel' means bird, also to be used for airplanes.
  • wawa - means wafwaf means dog. I like dogs. This word I learnt in day care, my mama never says wawa.
I also know the hand signs to the song "In de maneschijn". I like it best when we sing about the millepede who shines shoes or about Fat Fat Auntie Ka. Here you can hear this song. Not by me, that will come later.

Nearly forgot the most important word:
  • Kaa - the dutch 'kaas' means cheese. Very important word. I like cheese very much.