My words
My words:
I understand mama really well, when she speaks. And these are the words that I use, apart from hand signs, pointing and crying - to say no.
- gna gne - handje, meaning give me hand to help me walk.
- lalle -the dutch 'gevallen' means fallen. Can also mean thrown. The end result is that it is on the floor. It actually means that mama should pick it up.
- opppp - the dutch 'op' means finished: I don't want any more of this food. (but I may change my mind in a minute).
- ogel - the duch 'vogel' means bird, also to be used for airplanes.
- wawa - means wafwaf means dog. I like dogs. This word I learnt in day care, my mama never says wawa.
Nearly forgot the most important word:
- Kaa - the dutch 'kaas' means cheese. Very important word. I like cheese very much.