Saturday, June 12, 2010


There is this farm that mama used the drive past going to work. They have a 'farm fair' today, and I like farms. I see the little baby cows, and a mama cow because I see her udder. I know what a udder looks like and it gives milk. In fact, at this fair there is a plastic cow that we can milk.

And my favourite fishing nets are here too! The farmer has lots of water ways to fish. I catch two 1 cm fish and don't fall in the water.

In the afternoon mama and I potter around the house. I take mama's tall bambu sticks. Mama doesn't like me playing with it, she is scared. But she lets me. First I clean her kitchen windows with it: the stick reaches to the top of the windows. Then I become Sinterklaas. The stick is my horse. With my deep Sinterklaas voice, I tell mama (who is now papa, also with a deep voice) that I am going shopping on my horse. Papa, you take care of Piet!

I got a picture card from Papa! He has monkeys where he works.