Grandpa's birthday party
Grandpa has turned 83 and that is worth putting down in photo! We have hired a real photographer to put us all together in one picture: Grandpa and grandma, Simon and his family and my family. We have to smile a lot in the camera. And a picture of the grandchildren only. But it is not easy to get three children to look into the camera. Lots of waving hands.
In the end Simon refuses to make any more pictures and that is the end of the session. Simon wants cake!! And that is a good idea.
While the grown-ups are chatting, we take grandpa out to the corridor: we want to run and do pretend-tigers and pretend-sleep. But Simon mostly wants to run. I keep up with him for a long time, but I am getting tired and start to wobble on my feet: he is too much for me! Mama calls us back into the living room.