Party Lica
'Party Lica!', I said this morning as I woke up. Mama told me yesterday that we would go to a dance party with Felica. And that we would wear our dresses. And take our music instruments with us.
When we get there, Felica is not there yet. While we wait, mama and I dance to the music. There are salsa lessons going on. Felica went straight to the cut and paste table, the creativity table. She is completely taken by the scissors that are there. After a while we can persuade her with our music instruments to go to the music. And even so, she takes the scissors with her.
There are other kids there, that take more interest in our instruments.
But we make good use of it too.
It was a great party. After the paella meal we left to go to grandma and grandpa. "Grandma, I have danced with mama!" Is the first thing tell her. I think mama is blushing.