Saturday, June 13, 2009

Going to the beach

My grandpapa has been a bit ill this last week, so today we are going to visit Grandpa and Grandma. That is fun! I often talk about 'Opa and Oma'. When I pretend-phone I say "Hallo Opa, Hallo Oma!", just like mama.

After we have seen that Grandpa is doing good, we continue to the beach in Zandvoort. It is a little bit far from my home, but close to Grandpa and Grandma's home.

It is beautiful on the beach! But today I don't like the waves, much too confusing this rolling water. And cold! The left-behind water from the high water before is much nicer. It stands in pooles and I can splash and jump and even pretend-bath!

Then we buy fish from the tractor. I have a book about tractors, so I know what they are. But we have hardly started eating our fish, when a bumblebee comes around: he stings me!! First I can see my mama doesn't believe me, but I keep pointing to my finger - while crying of course - and then she sees! What to do? What does one do with a bumblebee sting? We wait a bit. The finger starts to get bigger. Mama picks me up from the beach where I have started playing again - I am all naked, because I did a poopoo in my swimming pants - we go to the beach restaurant. They say 'suck and vinegar', which we do and get. After that we go to the surf livesaving club, where they say the same. I get a nice vinegar bandaid.

When we walk back to our towel, I feel pity for myself and repeat 'bumblebee stinged', but then we see the pools of water, I lose my vinegar bandaid, and all is
forgotten. In the evening my finger was back to normal.