Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ten Lions reading a book

Lion! I say. There is a picture of a lion on the table. We are eating carrot with rice and meatballs in tomato sauce. I like that, but a Lion!!

Ah, yes! Mama says, that is a lion. ''Reading book' I say. Uuuuh??? Ah yes! mama says. The Lion is reading a book! Well spotted, Ces. We look a bit longer at the bottle. There are many lions on the bottle. I count them. One, two, three, three, three. Four, mama says. Four, I say, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

Then mama is quiet, and claps her hands! I do the counting trick again and again, I miss a number here or they, but I know I can count. And I know what counting is for.