Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Lots of snow
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Bear in snow
With Simon in the snow
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Romans in the library
My treasure box
Mama and I had to shop at IKEA again, or else it would have been a waste of the day. And what about the de-luxe dinner of fries?
But this is one of the things we bought. A light-weight treasure box (textile). I am sure this is a bed for me. I can hide!! Haha, here I am again like pop-up doll.
Now it is time for little Tiger to sleep, with a blanket.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Timo from day care
Thursday, December 17, 2009
It has snowed! We are so excited. Come, and listen to the sound of feet in the snow, mama says. We dress up as warm as we can, also with my new gloves, that I am very proud of.
The sound is funny indeed, but more surprised am I to see my feet in the snow: traces, mama says. And then I notice, that my sandpit has disappeared, but I can climb and dance on it. 'America, america!', that is from the Berend Botje song. Berend Botje went sailing, with his little boat to South Laren.... America, three times around, lalala.
Time to go inside, and warm up with a warm bun.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Last music lesson
Every thursday morning I still have my music lessons: we dance and sing. We are so busy, that we can't make a photo. But the lemonade and cookie afterwards are just as noteworthy.
And then us kids run through the long corridors of this old town hall. The corridors are all quiet now, but that is not always the case: at the end of this corridor mama and papa got married!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
I want another vaccination
Today I got my second flu vaccination. It is still very cold outside, but we make it fine. I don't even blink my eyes when the male nurse pricks me. Luckily mama had brought a cookie, because unlike the first time, the nurse didn't have it.
Then it is time for my ice cream. Ice cream is the best!!
Mama likes the ice cream too. I point out to mama that there are everywhere the same letters: the m from mama, she say they are! Now I like the place even better.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
It is beautiful but fresh weather outside. Do you want to go for a walk?, mama asks. Yes, I like walking especially to the bridge or to Gabrielle. But that is not possible right now. We take the bicycle to the nature reserve just outside our town.
When I get there, I am a bit taken aback by the cold, and my own tiredness, so we just get to the ducks and back. A photo with the ducks here is the most I can offer you.
Christmas tree
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Reading my book
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Two sprouts
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Funny words
Mama: Are you thinking hard?
I: No! I am thinking soft.
I: Mama I am eating old bread.
Mama: And I? Am I also eating old bread?
I: No! You are eating fresh old bread.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Two years
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
With the train
Today mama says we will go with the train, just for the fun of it. I am very excited. When papa calls on the phone in the morning, it is what I tell him.
When we cycle to the trains (today I learn that the station is actually for trains, not just for crossing to day care), mama remembers that the trains are not running today. Argghhhh.... that is a pity. But the bus is fun too.
I didn't know we would go to a museum too, but in Leiden mama makes me walk into the strong wind to the Museum of Ethnology, we are going to watch Maya's. We even play soccer against the Maya's and mama wins two to one!
Actually, I liked the busride best. But it has been a long trip, and on the way home on the bicycle, while the wind and rain beat us, I fall asleep against mama's back.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Today is the big day! Sinterklaas' birthday. It seems to be mama's birthday too: Simon and Grandpa give mama gifts and sing 'Happy Birthday'! Confusing... mama has already had her birthday, hasn't she? And grandma mixes up the gifts, and she gets a typical Ces gift - toys for the bathtub.
Unfortunately Alex is ill, and he stays home with his papa.
We have beautiful Sinterklaas cakes: white Pete's'!
We drink calmly coffee, but when that is finished and while everybody walks around, there is a sudden fearsome noise coming from upstairs and then we find a big sack with gifts. I forget my fear for the noise and rip the paper from the gifts!! And Simon does too!
Then we eat soup with sandwiches. It has been a fun Sinterklaas birthday.
In the evening my uncle Dick visits us late at night, and he found a last Sinterklaas gift on our doorstep! Luckily he came to find it.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Sinterklaas at day care.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Little sweetie
'Come, sweetie, you come with me.' I tell my horse. 'Come little sweetie! Kom maar, lieve meid! Kom maar met me mee.'.
This is what grown-ups say to their children, and now my horse is my child.
When I drink my bottle, I have my little routine. Recently I have added a feature to my routine: I belt myself in. But I have always wanted a soft animal in my arms, while drinking. Whoever was closest, shared the bottle.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Cheese farm 't Geertje
My grandpa and grandma have important business this afternoon, so my mama comes to pick me up for the afternoon. A good opportunity to do something farm. Do you want to go to a farm? mama asks. Yes! I say, a children's zoo! No, not a children's zoo, a real farm!
As we come to the farm after lots of winding roads (I fell asleep), there are several stables. First the goat stable. We get a cup of food and I get to feed the goat!! Amazing, these goat just nibble my fingers with their tongue, they are sweet natured!!
This is really fun!
We see also chicken doing fun things, and pigs and cows and a hay stack to rump around in!
And then we warm up with a pancake. So, that is dinner done, too!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
More writing
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Emma, Victor and Alex
Emma, Victor and Alex have visited me when I was very little. I don't think I can remember it.
Well, we are prepared for a fun evening: we have some d-i-y stuff. Emma quite likes it, but Victor is more of the music stuff. He wants to Djemba.
And while Victor shows me how to play the Djemba, Emma shows what she has learnt in Theater School.
And Alex? He checks out every single toy that I have!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Drinking my milk bottle
I don't drink much, but in the morning I like my bottle with milk. I drink it in my baby rocker, which it feeling a bit wobbly underneath me these days.
Drinking my milk has a strict routine. Mama takes the bottle out, in the kitchen. I stand on my step next to her and help her count the scoops of powder. Mama adds water and I put the lid on, mama shakes the bottle. Then mama brings the bottle to the chair, while I grab a soft animal. And holding my animal - any animal, everyday a different one. Today I have added sun glasses for a bright view.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Making ice cream
We are going out for dinner. Mmm, those lovely olives! Papa and mama are enjoying their food in a lazy way too. The waiter of the restaurant remembered us, when we walked in. After all, the cook has the same name as I: Cesco is his name.
'Do you want to make your ice cream in the kitchen?', the waiter asks. Yes! Ice cream. Without even so much as acknowledging my parents, I accept his hand and follow him to the kitchen. Not shy at all, this time!!
Just untill the kitchen. Then I am suddenly shy, and I can't tell Cesco if I want chocolate icecream or vanille. The waiter hops out and asks my papa and mama. I definitely get chocolate ice cream!! It is gone before you know it!
Kangaroo in pouch, too.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Climbing my lamp
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sterre's birthday party
We have lots of parties these days: today Sterre celebrates her second birthday, and that is going to be a lot of fun. So, I want my party dress on again!
As we come there, Sterre is sitting on her cushion (photo shortly) and receiving the congratulations and gifts in royal fashion: with friendliness and a gentle nod for everyone. She looks a little bit overwhelmed, perhaps. We sing her a song and I give her her gift. I am curious what is in it too: papa bought the gift. And then I go off to inspect Sterre's toys. And while there is chaos around me, I am happily trying the toys.
Then it is time for some of the wonderfull food: lots of fancy bites, but I like the bread best. While eating we chat and look around. I recognise some kids from last year: Iris, but others are missing, like Thomas. They are not feeling well and it is the time of the year for that.
Later I play with Sterre and with Iris and Sterre and I eat our mashed apples with saucages on my mama's lap.
Then Sterre is tired and I pour a cup of tea for everyone from Sterre's tea set.
I have had a lot of fun at this party!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Large, small, smallest
In the sun shine of today we work on our window sill again. Papa has fixed it, but now it is dry enough to paint it too. I help him, because I know now very well how that is done - after all the house maintenance I have done.
I put the tape on the window. 'Mama, look!', I say, 'Large, small and smallest'. It is the newest word I have learnt: smallest and it means smaller than the rest. I can see the different sizes now.
Then mama and I put a taller one there too: 'long' I say.
Grandpa's birthday party
Grandpa has turned 83 and that is worth putting down in photo! We have hired a real photographer to put us all together in one picture: Grandpa and grandma, Simon and his family and my family. We have to smile a lot in the camera. And a picture of the grandchildren only. But it is not easy to get three children to look into the camera. Lots of waving hands.
In the end Simon refuses to make any more pictures and that is the end of the session. Simon wants cake!! And that is a good idea.
While the grown-ups are chatting, we take grandpa out to the corridor: we want to run and do pretend-tigers and pretend-sleep. But Simon mostly wants to run. I keep up with him for a long time, but I am getting tired and start to wobble on my feet: he is too much for me! Mama calls us back into the living room.
Sinterklaas is back in town
Sinterklaas is coming into my town! Yes, we will welcome him in.
His black Pete's indeed arrive with the boat I saw last week. But Sinterklaas missed that boat, because he took care of his horse. Sinterklaas arrived by police speed boat.
Over papa's head I strain to see him and wonder about the fuss.
And for all you foreign readers, here a picture of the old man and his Black Pete.
Friday, November 20, 2009
O is for elephant, v is for bat
And in one of the magazines was a game with letters: pieces of paper with o or v on them, and pictures of an elephant or bat. I had to recognise the names: o is for olifant and v is for vleermuis (=bat). I like playing puzzles with mama, so now I am learning letters.
Now when we read mama's newspapers, I pick the o and v out. Or I try to write an o. It is still difficult; sometimes the d looks like an o, but I am learning.
But cutting the letters is the best!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Mama's birthday party
This morning my papa says: "When you are back from music lesson, we are going to celebrate mama's birthday." Yeah! I like birthdays: sing 'Happy Birthday', wear a hat, give gifts and eat cake. All good stuff. And now it is a real birthday, not one of the ten fake ones I have each day.
When mama and I get back from music lesson, we see the garlands! Yeah, I am very excited now and run in. Papa is just finished hanging them.
I find the scotch tape and do my own garlands.
And then we do the full program as it should be. Song, hat, gift and cake.
While eating our cake, papa and mama are talking. They get on the subject of house maintenance. There are window sills to repaint. Good opportunity because it is a dry sunny day and I can help then sanding the paint. But when we get there, we see there are holes in the wood. Hmmm, the wood needs replacing. A good excuse for shopping in the hardware store.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Kangaroo has a pouch
I have now two books about Kangaroo's. I know that Kangaroo mama's keep their baby in a pouch. In one book the baby Joey has become too large for the pouch, but he doesn't want to leave his mama's warm pouch. Untill he sees another kangaroo and they play together.
Pouches are funny! When I was little I sometimes sat in mama's 'pouch', my baby bjorn carrier.
But now we can play the pouch game even better. Here my little chicken is in my pouch. And sometimes mama makes her cardigan to a pouch for me.