Friday, September 19, 2008

My first shoes

How could it have happened that I forgot to mention them? My first shoes? We have been too busy, that is why.

It is ten days ago: all my shoes had holes in them and it surely would only have taken a couple of days and new shoes would get holes. I simply run around too much for soft shoes. I need proper shoes!

Mama and I went to a good shoe shop in my town. There was a lovely lady there, who kindly asked if she could hold my foot. I thought it was fine: I was sitting on mama's lap and there was a wooden climbing set in the shop. If I can climb, then I am happy.

The lady measured my foot: 19 and a half. So, I got shoes size 20. In the beginning it was very strange to walk with shoes. I have to really lift my feet, or else I can't put one foot before the other. But very quickly I got the hang of it. Even in the shoe store self: here you see how well I walk with them! I can dance with them. They don't come off, and they don't get holes.

I love my shoes now: it means I go outside to walk.