Monday, September 29, 2008


We have been cycling, but when we close our house door behind us, it starts raining! We're stuck inside, no fun outside. Then we make fun inside!!

Painting!! Yes! My mama has had the paint ready for a long while and is keen to use it. Within five minutes we are a mess, but papa rescues us. He gives us fresh paper and helps us clean our hands. It is over in ten minutes, because more mess would mean we have four green walls. But fun it was and we have new art for on the walls.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Red Berries

I love red berries. When I was little, I found them too sour, but now I like them. I am not sure if I like them because they taste good, or because they are fun to play with. Here you see me at lunch after I had a sandwich with jam.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

More about the wedding

Before the city hall we wait for the two o'clock signal that we can start. It is a very sunny day and papa, mama and I have come cycling.

Simon arrives and he joins me in the running game. I like running up and down steps and slopes. Simon likes it too!
Then we go inside and I get Simon's raisins to keep me quiet, that is very nice of Simon. Papa and mama kiss each other and I paint my hand in their marriage book. I am witness, too!

This is before I threw a tantrum about not wanting to wear my coat. My first real tantrum. I threw myself on the pavement screaming loudly, but Aunt Karen caught it on the video.

And this is before I got covered in chocolate from our chocolate fountain.

The rest of the day I played and ran and ate a bit in between. I was very excited about the party.

Sterre is also at our party. She is enjoying herself and looking at all the people. She has a very nice picture of herself at her weblog: Sterre
Cousin Koen is also there. He doesn't want to sleep, because it is too much fun to be there. He stands a lot, because he likes that. He also likes to wave his fork at food.

Just married

My papa and mama are married! We are just back from the city hall, and are partying with all my cousins and cousines and friends.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A new hairdo

But I need proper hair for the upcoming wedding. My papa has found a hair dresser who cuts children's hair. They have a good chair!! It is high and it has got a steering wheel. When I sit in that chair, I just cannot cry.

Actually, I think I like the feeling of the lady plucking my hair. I am thinking about it in the picture.

But the blow dryer is absolutely not acceptable.

My hairdo

This morning I fell into the pond! That was a shock!

I was playing on my belly with my snails. I bent a bit too far ahead and then suddenly I slid off! My mama was sitting on the floor next to me and my papa was standing on the other side. They were talking. My papa heard the sound of me sliding and he got a big shock. Instinctively he grabbed my leg and pulled me up. Wow! That was a good reaction. My feet hadn't even become wet!

But I had gotten a fright and was crying loud. My mama immediately changed my clothes and then I was put to sleep. It was about time!

My mama says that it was a good lesson for me. She was expecting it to happen one day. But papa's heart was pounding!!

Now my hair is all wild.

Monday, September 22, 2008

My snail

There are lots of snail in my pond. Interesting creatures. I fish them out of the pond and squeeze their head back in. I like the feel of their slimy body in my hand. And I lick the slime with my tongue.

Look mama! This is a beautiful snail!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Turtle centre

A lovely day to go for a ride. My papa has seen the mark for the Dutch Turtle Centre on the map of my little town. What isn't here?

It is hidden in an industrial estate, but then again: we want to keep the turtles warm, don't we?

I can see the turtles well, because they swim on eye height. Mystic creatures. I like them. I watch them when they swallow whole salad crops in one go.

It is a beautiful little centre and they have the largest collection turtle toys ever seen.

And then I get ´a few licks´ from mama´s ice cream - she buys an extra one for herself.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

On the street

While mama waters our new plants in front of our house, I run around with my car.

Mama, can I really not go on the street?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Running with my papa

My papa is back home! I make him do my favourite game: running! Who is first on the other side? An unexpected competetive element in me comes up.

My first shoes

How could it have happened that I forgot to mention them? My first shoes? We have been too busy, that is why.

It is ten days ago: all my shoes had holes in them and it surely would only have taken a couple of days and new shoes would get holes. I simply run around too much for soft shoes. I need proper shoes!

Mama and I went to a good shoe shop in my town. There was a lovely lady there, who kindly asked if she could hold my foot. I thought it was fine: I was sitting on mama's lap and there was a wooden climbing set in the shop. If I can climb, then I am happy.

The lady measured my foot: 19 and a half. So, I got shoes size 20. In the beginning it was very strange to walk with shoes. I have to really lift my feet, or else I can't put one foot before the other. But very quickly I got the hang of it. Even in the shoe store self: here you see how well I walk with them! I can dance with them. They don't come off, and they don't get holes.

I love my shoes now: it means I go outside to walk.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lunch out of the hand

My mama is a bit tired of all the time eating at the table. She says we spend almost the whole day feeding me: breakfast, fruit time, lunch and then it is time to start cooking.

From now on we eat lunch from the hand. Or while we're cycling.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Grandpa and the bicycle

Grandpa and grandma are coming for a day.

What is that? I can just make it out through the greens. Grandpa is bringing out mama´s bicyle! I´ve gotta watch that. The bicylce should not leave without me!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My bruise

I was leaning over and suddenly I fell face forward on the pavement!! That hurt! And now I have a big bruise on my head. It happened when we were just about to bring Valerie and Paul to the airport. So my mama put a quick dab of Nestosil on it and then we drove off. I soon fell asleep in the car and so we didn´t drink coffees on the airport anymore.

But the big bruise doesn't stop us from going for a bicylce ride to the garden centre. I have already forgotten my bruise.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dining out

And then it is our last day together. Valerie and Paul invite us out for dinner. We go for fine dining, and sit up too, in a children's chair. They serve wonderfull olives in a secret dressing, and I eat six olives. I also like my amuse: kiwi and banana with colourfull sugarsprinkles. But mama's amuse is good too, with orange sauce. We had a nice meal and I enjoyed myself very much. We were all very proud that we could sit with the four of us this nicely.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Paul likes old cities and he likes to take the train, so we go to my old town with the bikes and the train. We stroll along the old canals. They don't make many pictures, but here they make one of us. For a very long time we stroll and I fall asleep in my buggy. When I wake up lunch is served on the boat. After that mama and I leave them strolling and take the train home for a bit of rest and early bed.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I am now so used to Valerie and Paul that we can play games together. I am teaching Valerie the gardening-gloves-game. Valerie holds up the glove, and I put my hand in. Then I have two very large hands. And we both laugh while I walk around with them. My mama is keeping the camera ready, but, haha, I am much quicker!

Up my wind mill

We visit the windmill across the road from my house. The bags with freshly milled flour are being lowered around us. We climb all the way to the top. I do a bit of climbing myself, but Valerie is very nervous about that. No need!! I can do this!! But she plucks me off the stairs.

The last stairs are really difficult for my mama to carry me. The miller carries me. A stranger carrying me!! No way! I cry loud, but mama has definitely given me to him. Then she follows and all is ok. I find the mill very impressive: such a machinery from wood. And that in my street!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Den Haag

These are Valerie and Paul. They are actually very sweet. I had to get used to them. I met them on Schiphol, and then in the car back home, the car completely stuffed with their suit cases of course, Paul sat next to me. That was too much. But then I feel asleep, so I suppose I survived that.

But today I am getting acquainted, and I found out that I can wave to Paul smoking outside like I can wave to my papa. Paul waves back to0. I wave the whole day to Paul - although he is not smoking the whole day.

Here we are sitting in Den Haag drinking a beer in the rain. But they think it is good weather, so they must come from Canada, right?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Picking up friends at Schiphol

Dear readers, you may be wondering why you haven't heard from us for a while, but we are very busy: mama's friends Valerie and Paul are staying with us, they come from Canada and Australia, not sure which one counts most. And now we are doing fun things.

We picked them up from Schiphol Airport. Mama made a mistake in remembering from the top of her head what time they would arrive, so we had to wait quite a long time. Never mind, Schiphol is great for me. I can run around and there are lots of shops to browse. Then we sat down and had a large coffee and muffin for dinner. Yeah!
And I had my favourite raisins as desert.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I never really liked pasta. My mama doesn't understand, but I just tought it bad.

Now I like pasta. I can swallow packages full down. I also like eating out of the pot, or, in this case, from the cullender. I pretended not to notice that my mama had dipped the pasta in a bit of tomato sauce. Let her have her joices too! I just party on at dinner.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Late into day care

The first snivels of the season have been heard. The summer is reaching end and now the noses start running again. I was coughing yesterday, and this morning I slept in, until eight o'clock.

My mama has to call work to say she will be late. And I am late for day care too. They are already having their morning fruit (at nine o'clock). Come and join us! they say to me. We are a tidy bunch of kids, don't you think? Day care mama Joke is also happy to be back from holidays.

You see Moussa is smiling at me? I am looking at him.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A hat against the rain

It rains this morning. I put my pink hat on, then I won't feel the rain in my eyes.