Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mama has lunch at day care

Today I am a bit ill. We were at the children's doctor yesterday. I am now 9090 grams and 72 cm tall. A little bit taller than what my mama measured two days ago!!

But the doctor gave me the jabs too! And now I have fever and my mama has to come home from work and pick me up from day care. But while she is there, we may as well eat some lunch with the other kids.

Here you see me with Caspar, Fleur and Minke. We are all of the same age. I will miss them in Alphen. We get very dirty at lunch, but I am not climbing like at home. With Elka looking on, we do not dare!! And when Elka wipes my face, I am not screaming like when mama wipes my face. Here at child care we behave!
p.s. later in the afternoon I was feeling much better.