Thursday, January 24, 2008

Belly dancing

It is a rainy windy day, so what better than go to an oriental performance? When we come there, there is music, a tea corner, cookies and fund raising for Amma. Mama's friend Karen is belly dancing. Isn't she beautiful? Mama wanted a picture of me with Karen, but mama's camera was out of battery. I also cried a bit, so better this picture! Karen looks much different from when we visited the market, doesn't she?

But I loved the show: the music, the glitters and the other children! There was Tessa, only one month older. We moved around and touched everything. The cookies and waffle was good too!

And then on the way back, it just happened to be dinner time when we passed the Tafelberg. We just had to dine out! Funny enough they moved us right into the kid's corner, two stairs up and far left. But that suited me right, because I like watching other kids.

My mama said I was really well behaving: not crying, or running like some of the other kids. I even ate bread and pasta, while papa had steak and mama had fish.