Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Snow princess

Mama has fitted the snow man with the hat. Actually, he is a she: a snow princess. Of course you saw that!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

A hat for the snow man.

More snow coming our way, so we are stuck at home. Time to make a hat for our snow man. Ces and mama get to work. Ces's hat we'll make to fit the snow man's head. Then we know for shure the hat doesn't  sink over the eyes!!

Ice skating

Brr, a cold easterly wind, but Ces is keen to skate. I like sitting on the Dubai car, but man, is it cold! A quick snap shot and home we go. But we've been on the ice!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

My words

Ces talks a lot, she can chatter!! But! I'll join her soon. I am learning my words.

nay - no
babaw - ball, my most favourite thing!!
oto - car, my next favourite thing.
ch-ch - sound of a piglet
wawa - sound of a god.
maa - moon, I have seen the real thing when we were on the sledge going home.
moaw - sound of a pussycat
ja - yes

but I understand a lot more than that!!

Now that I have words, I like reading books, so I can recognise my words and say them. Ces has specifically found a book with babaws in the library! Ain't she sweet?

spanish talking?

We are having dinner, and Ces wants to talk. So, she is thinking of questions for mama. 'Mama, do the people in India speak Indiana?'. Hmmm, no, in Northern America they speak Indiana, in India they speak Indian. And what do they speak in Southern America. Hmm, spanish and portuguese. But mama, in Spain they speak spanish too, don't they! Sure. But - and now Ces is very clever - she says: two people don't speak spanish in Spain, haha. Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet!! Haha, she is smart, isn't she?!

Friday, January 18, 2013


It has snowed!! Ces is so excited, she wants to go into the back yard to make a snow man. And of course she wants to go by sledge to school. I like that too! Ces holds me tightly, while mama 'sports'. We sledge home through the night and watch the moon follow us. When Kirsten comes to play, the girls pull each other over the play ground, but it is very heavy for them! Later Megan shows us where you can slide done the road verge. Wow!! That is great, my sister tells me. I haven't been there yet, I hope I get there soon.

The only pity is that the snow has ruined the ice: it doesn't freeze with the warm snow blanket. And Ces is keen to ice skate!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mama's hat

Mmm, nice warm hat. I want that camera, mama!!