Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tulips at our table

Every Friday the flowerman comes by our house. He fills our house with plants and flowers. These taste for spring!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ice cream! I love it, and my sister gives me some. Mjum!

Me with red cheek

I am tigering around on the floor, but one cheek is red - my tooth, of course.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I have been unsettled for a couple of days, but today I show why: I have a tooth. And at the same time, I am jumping ahead in development: I can crawl!! Well, two steps at least. And sit for 20 seconds!

Flip, our guest

We have a guest for a week: Flip de bear! From Ces' school. Of course we note all the activities we do with him, and then write our entry in the Flip book.

Flip helps Ces with drawing at her table, he gets to eat red cabbage and he needs to brush his teeth, of course. Unfortunately we have no photo how he visits the Goat Farm, that we visit with Raphael. But then again: apparently he already visited a Goat Farm with another child: the goat farm in the Amsterdam Forest.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Simon, Alex and Diego

Long time no see, time to visit Simon and Alex. After the church we go, I am quite tired after playing with the friendly lady in the church. So, I sleep (shortly) in the car. I love the floor of Aunt Hannie and Uncle Frank! We walk through the rain to the horses, and actually it is fun. Then we rest while watching Diego, Dora's friend. Simon is still recovering from being ill last week.


Ces' school has a combined service in church. Mama and Ces sit in church, while I may play with the friendly lady who takes care of the babies. Fun!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ces's first blog post:


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Two wabbits

Mama and Ces are claying: two wabbits have fun together!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I LOOOVE newspapers. Just like my sister used to (and still does). They wrinkle nicely, and they chew even better. Usually there is someone pave cleaner in front of me, unfortunately....

Friday, January 13, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Birthday Alex in a castle

My big cousin Alex turns 3! He treats us to a tour through Castle Ter Haar with a lunch in the village Haarzuilens.

I am a bit too small for a tour, so Ces goes with mama, and I follow for lunch.

It is a real castle for a real princes, just like Ces. Doesn't she look like she is in the right place?  We don't have many pictures from inside: pictures were not allowed, because the people still live there, at least one month per year: the Barones and their children and friends. Not quite like princesses perhaps, but close to it. And with a princess toilet, just like in the castle in Switzerland! That is important. The tour was really a mystery tour, with actors playing the mystery. Fun!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winter holiday in the snow

We are back from winter holiday in the snow. It was so fantastic! We had lots of snow, more than double the usual snow around this time of year. And more fell while we were there. My sister Ces was in ski school every morning and now she can ski down a slope and slalom. And she can take the lift up by her self. She had a lovely teacher Sophie who made good games for learning skiing.

Both ways we drove in the late afternoon deep into the night. Easy! I sleep, and then we're there. Ces could watch dvd's late into the night. In the holiday house We arranged a special Ces art table, for cutting and drawing. Soon it was full with her work all over.