Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sinterklaas weekend

You wouldn't believe how active this Sinterklaas is. This week Joke from day care took us to the local shopping centre, where he happened to be. And yesterday we took a look at the hospital for mama, and who was standing there? Sinterklaas. With his black Petes of course! And this morning he came to mama's work. In the books kids are always shy with Sinterklaas, but why should I? I just run to him and tell him stories. And I like the candy Pete gives.

We make Pete hats too.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sterre turns 3!!

Sterre has turned 3 and now she throws a party! I get to play a lot with her new toys and eat delicious food. Especially the apple sauce: I never get to eat that at home!

Grandpa's birthday

Finally we get to give our gift to Grandpa. He has turned 84!! Grandpa is lucky to have three little - and curious - helpers.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Playing a game of Carcasonne

On this Saturday afternoon papa, mama and I are playing a game. I am slowly learning about games: waiting your turn and then someone wins. It is a test for my patience, and concentration, but fun to do with papa and mama.

Sinterklaas in town

Last week Sinterklaas arrived from Spain in the Netherlands. I have seen it on tv. I wasn't sure if it was tv or for real. But I have received gifts in my shoe all week and watched the daily journals. I was so excited: there is a baby-Black Pete, and I love babies.

Today Sinterklaas arrives in my town. With his boat.

As you can see, I am thoroughly enjoying watching it from atop papa's shoulders. I sing the songs and I wave to Sinterklaas. Today I get real close up.

In the audience there are Pete's everywhere sharing pepernoten.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Mama wants to get out of the house, but we can't really go outside after my having being ill yesterday. We can park under the Bijenkorff and walk into the shopping mall. And it is a drive into Amsterdam.

Look! Climbing Black Pete's!! They climb up and down the rope. And I eat a purple cake, or rather, I choose it, but don't eat it. It makes good lipstick. And then we go all the way down over the roller's to watch the bear display. Oh, and we bought Grandpa a gift for his birthday, tomorrow.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Afternoon in Amsterdam

We have been stuck in the house for a couple of days, because I was not feeling well. So, now we want to sniff a bit of big city life on this dull Sunday afternoon! Watch some shops and shop around a bit.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The blog book

I am reading the book of this blog. We have made print of the blog, and now I can view it anytime.

I am not sure what to think of all these pictures of myself. Strange to see oneself in a book. But it is fun to see all the other people I know! I can't get enough of reading this book.