Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Eight Nine Ten

These days papa, mama and I play "Eight, Nine, Ten". I put my head against the wall and count "Eight, Nine, Ten" and then I run out of my hiding spot, squeeling and looking for mama and papa. The hide part is hard for me, the seek is easy: papa and mama are too big to hide behind the plant or couch!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cooking with fingers in butter

I am helping papa cooking onions. Onions in butter are still my most favourite food. If I press my fingers in the butter, I am sure the onions cook better.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shy with Frances and Brian

Frances and Brian are coming for dinner. But Frances arrives with soon-to-be-dad-Addy's motor cycle. I am very impressed with the helmets.

Even when they take them off, I stay on a distance. Shy! I bury my head in the chair and hope they don't see me.

Only later when we sit at the table for dinner, I loosen up.

Frances and Brian are moving to New Zealand and now we may take care of their plants. Ah! We love plants. But we will miss Frances and Brian

Car ride

It is a fresh but sunny morning, and I want to go for a walk with my car. The end of my street is enough excitement for me. My street is a dead end street, against the river. A long time ago there were locks, but now it is quiet here.

I have become stronger, my mama says. I can ride my car almost both ways myself: only the last little bit my mama pushes me.

Fun with the rabbits

Later that day I play with the rabbits. I am finally large enough that I can reach the rabbits over the fence. But the best part is when 'globe trotter' - named for her wanderlust - stands up and sniffs me. I squeel for fun!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I am enjoying pottering in the garden. We are planting new plants out and digging earth is just my thing!

Miffy puzzle

We have been eating fruit in the sunroom. I have my Miffy puzzles here. We got the Miffy puzzles from our neighbours. With a little bit of help from my mama I can make the Miffy puzzles.

My mama has shown me, that I should also look at the picture, not only at the shape of the pieces: 'Look this is the other half of the ear, Ces', she said. I have never looked at puzzles that way yet.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Pictures I made

I made these pictures. I know how to press the button and I also know how to direct the 'you you' to where you want to photo. Not all the pictures work out: there are some of table surfaces or the ceiling. You like these pictures of mama and papa?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Visiting the dentist

We all go to the dentist. I have been excercising with mama: say AAAAAH and open my mouth with it.

But at the dentist's there is such a fun toy! It is a house with doors and keys, for each door a key. And you can push pieces of fruit through the holes in the top and then get them out through the door. It takes a while, but then I can use the key. The keys are colorcoded. Only the red and purple color are so close, that I don't know which keys belong to which door.

The house is too much fun: I don't want to go with mama through to the dentist. Papa and I play while mama goes.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Just cute

Mama is making a picture of me. But before she can push the button, I am already running to her. I want to see the 'you you'!! Perhaps the picture is even better for it!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


We have all been ill a bit recently - I had fever while another tooth came through. We are sick of being ill! Today we want to get out. To Avifauna, where there are lots of birds. Avifauna is in my town, so we cycle there.

I know the names of lots of birds already: owl, peacock, penguin and of course duck. Now I finally see them in real and see how they move.

But there is also a nice play ground.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tasje mee

We are going outside, and I like bringing something with me. Now it is my purse. "Purse come" I say. In my purse is my wallet, my mobile phone, my diary and a pen. Just like mama's purse.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Clay animal

We are playing with the clay. We are rolling snakes, or rolling balls.

Mama makes an animal for me: a horse or a dog. With a tail, and ears and legs. All these parts are easily broken off, it is the first thing I do when I get the animal. 'Ear' I say while I do that. 'Leg' I say, and break it off. 'Tail' and that is gone too.

And then we put the clay back in the pots.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Yeah! Broad beans!

Yeah! I jump for joy! Broad beans! Last year I so much enjoyed pulling the beans out, I even now remember this. We sit down with the three of us and prepare the beans. As long that they are small and lots of them, I really like them: pebbles, beans, marbles. And putting the lid on the pot is good fun too.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Water can

Finally I have a toy in the garden that I like: my water can. I water lots of plants and then we walk back to the house to refill the can.

Cutting nails

Mama has cut my nails, now I find the scissors and papa is my target.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Papa eats croissants

My papa is home again! I am re-tuning: not "Papa wokking" but "Papa home". We make croissants for the occasion. Mmmm, and I get to smear the butter on the croissant myself.

Reading the newspaper

After breakfast mama tries to take a quiet moment and read the newspaper, but I like to do things with her. So we read the newspaper together. I squeeze myself onto the chair and point at the pictures. "Girl, Boy".

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Around the neighbourhood

Last Sunday was a nice day, so we went for a little tour around the neighbourhood. Check out the houses listed for demolition. Perhaps there is something we can use? The houses are actually really nice, a pity. Mama finds some nice plants and I like running around on the square with pebbles.

We explore the backyards and enjoy the view of the Rhine River from here. It won't be possible when they put some big houses here....

Monday, March 9, 2009

The magic cupboard

These two cupboards are always locked. And that is a pity. When they open I am allowed to take a spoonfull of chocolate out. Perhaps that is why they open so seldom??

But when they open - and I know that sound exactly - I come running from the other side of the house to collect my chocolate.

Not only the chocolate is fantastic: the cups, plates and other wonderfull 'cooking' stuff is fun. You can put them on the table, like mama does. And then we play the game of putting them back and locking the cupboard again..... You know I like doing anything my mama does.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


And they are tall and I am small - my Calimero hat. Here is the Calimero tune , and there is also a movie of Calimero as a baby.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Monkey dancing

I love dancing, and luckily my monkey likes dancing too.


We are eating: potato, string beans with onions and meat juice. I only like the onions. My mama is ignoring me a bit. But then she is finished with her food and we play the game that is called 'hapje' (mouth bite).

Sit still! my mama says, Don't stand in your chair! Don't lean in your plate! And we are happy eating onions - I notice the sneaky beans she puts in, but I pretend not to see. And then! Suddenly! My plate is on the floor, potato, and meat juice everywhere. Hmmm. my mama says. This is not funny, Ces. And while she is cleaning, I keep repeating: Funny! Funny! Funny!

I think mama doesn't find it so funny...

Check out also 2nd of March.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday night breaks laws

Friday night breaks laws. We are both tired and hungry and to get us through until dinner is ready we do almost anything to keep peace. Anything, but not eat cookies, mama says.

So today I can sit on the kitchen bench. Exciting: new toys! I know exactly how my mama makes my bottle in the morning, because I tell here every morning: five skoops of powder, hot water, shake, then hand over quick to me!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Curly wet hair

When my hair is freshly washed, it curls all up.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fist on fist

It may seem easy to you, but do you remember your first time? This "fist on this fist and this is how we go up". There are many ways to put a fist on a fist.

My mama knows this song from when she was young. It was a tv show and a very naughty one: they said 'poopoo' on tv!! I can't imagine, but it was very daring back then. My mama says that they all got red cheeked by such naughtiness! It had nice music too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCs87Wru6ek. They are now repeating the show and that is how I know this song:

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Simon and Alex visit us

Simon calls: shall we come? Of course!! Simon now likes rabbits, so the first thing we do is that I show him how to feed the rabbits.

Then Simon can make his own invitation card for my birthday party, that is coming up soon. He likes that. He also likes to make music. I prefer dancing. But Simon is really likes the keyboard and he makes beautiful music. We all are enjoying it: even Alex is listening.