New clothes
You see me also at my new favourite activity. I like sitting up and I pull myself up by the hands. A hundred times per day is not enough!!
Today we had a busy day. First it was baby swimming day. Last week I had learnt to splash my hands in the water. The whole week I have shown my mama and papa at home in my bath how well I had learnt that: the whole bathroom is wet when I am finished bathing. And mama and papa's clothes drip too!!
In the pool I showed Silvia, the teacher, how well I can splash water with my hands. She said she was very impressed. Can you see how well I can keep my head up when I am swimming on my belly? |
I like beer bottles too! In fact, I am totally wild about them. They are cool and soft at the same time. Whenever mama has a bottle in her hand I grab it from her, and put it in my own mouth. Aaahhh!! What a refresher!
We visit the Amsterdam Uitmarkt, the start of the cultural season after the summer break. Everywhere music and theater shows.
The 'Amsterdam' is also open for visits. |
And we sit in front of the music building on the waterfront. I make a new friend! We meet Felica and her mother Maika. Felica invites me on her blanket and we look at each other. Isn't Felica sweet? |
My mama and papa go out for lunch to a very expensive restaurant. They think it is better if I stay with Grossmuttie and Grossvatie. I think I like that better too.
One of the best things at Gossmuttie's home is the couch. They bought especially a real leather couch, because of the grandchildren: easy to clean and strong. It has high arm leans and I can sit there well supported.
Then later mama and papa come back to pick me up, and we eat pizza for dinner. What a day with eating for them!!
Yeah, it is swimming time. It was so exciting. The air in the building was very warm, but the water was a bit cooler than my baby bath at home. Still, it was so much fun, all the other children and all the mama's and papa's singing a song: 'Heb je wel gehoord van de zeven, de zeven.' and jumping around.
The first excercise was very difficult: we had to splash the water with our hands. Splash, splash.
And then the exercises became even more difficult. And then mama and I went under. Wow! I am not sure if I liked this, but mama said I behaved like a big girl because I did not cry.
I loved the kicking with the legs the best.
And then I was very tired and slept in the car all the way home.
Oh yeah, it is my papa's birthday. 41 years old!!
My papa comes to pick me up from day care together with mama. We go home with the three of us. Aah, it is good to be together again.
Nice car in the background.
Mama thinks I want to see lots of people, yesterday we visited Gossmuttie and Grossvati, today we visit my cousin Simon.
Cousin Simon was swinging in his swing when we came in. And he has a large playground on the floor - with the blanket. I love that blanket. Mama makes me a blanket at home too.
Here I am sitting with Aunt Hannie, while Simon is taking his afternoon nap. I have already slept in Mama's Baby Bjorn. Mmmm, nice and warm.
This is Simon's story: visite
I have a new cousin! Koen is his name and he is now two days old. A brother for my cousine Loes. Mama and I couldn't wait to see Koen - before you know it he is as big as I am!!
But for the time being he was very small and looked like he was still getting used to the big bright world from the safety of his papa Daan's arms. Isn't he cute? Even his crying was cute: a very soft wail.
We never saw his eyes, he was happily asleep. But we saw his little hands, his slightly bigger feet, his cute baby nose and his blond hairs.
Here we are together. Great-grandma Franka is there too. She now has more great-grandchildren than grandchildren.
Look at my new 'chair' at day care. I am now a big girl and I don't want to lie down anymore: I have to sit and view!!
I love day care, seeing the other children and the lovely ladies.
The ladies are very proud of me too: I am now holding my bottle myself. My Mama knows about this too: when I am drinking from her, my hands are busy as well.
When Mama picks me up in the evening, I am looking bright and happy.
Grandpa is visiting us, and mama forgets to make a picture.... It is sad, isn't it?
Now we don't have proof of Grandpa putting my diaper on.
We have been a bit quiet this week. Mondaynight my Mama felt hot and cold at the same time and then I did not go to day care on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mama was no fun all this time, and I wanted to go out and play all the time! Luckily she brought me to day care on Thursday, so I could have some fun again.
Well, I was a little affected to, so I gave her the run-around at nights too!!
And then the most funny thing happened: my Mama's voice squeaked on Friday: no normal sound was heard and when she tried to sing I had to laugh real loud!!
Next time more exiting news, I hope.
Aah! Good weather this weekend! We leave for the Vechtoever immediately.
Together with Saskia and Rosa we go for a swim in the Spiegelplas. Well Mama swims and I cry on the lawn. I prefer to play with Mama's bikini afterwards; it's so bright red!
And then we take the bicycle to do our shopping. Ahh! The freedom you feel when the world flashes by and we cycle in an easy pace. And I fall asleep in the baby bjorn while Mama cycles home.
But Sunday it is very very warm, and then I don't like it anymore: time to go home and sleep in a cool house.
The first day with my brace at day care. All the ladies, Saskia, Elka, Diane and Hortense are very impressed by my brace and are so sympathetic. It is warming my heart. They say I am a big strong girl.
The brace is tiring me today and by evening, when mama comes to pick me up, I am very tired.
But at home mama puts me on my belly for a little while and this gives me new energy. I push my bum up!! Wow, so close and I can crawl away!!
In the picture you see Elka.
Look at us here! We can go on the bike, now that I am big girl. We are carefull, because we don't want to make sudden stops, but isn't this lovely - to feel the wind in the hair and sun in the face. I sit in the Baby Bjorn with my brace and am happy as can be.
Photo thanks to the kind man on the street.
From now on you will see me with a new addition. Yesterday Mama and I went to the hospital. First I had a picture made in a cold dark room with two friendly ladies. And then we went to see the doctor. The doctor pulled my leg, counted the fat rings on my legs, measured the lengths of my legs. And then the doctor said I have a mild hip displacia. Nothing too serious if treated now. But that is why I wear for the next three months my brace.
Yesterday I protested heavily against it: such a strange feeling. And you know that I always make my protests heard loudly.
And mama was confused too: did she put the brace on correctly? In the night, when I woke up, it was very strange too, but now I am sort of used to it.
My mama and papa are not completely surprised: mama had the same when she was a child.